This is a beautiful high quality live wallpaper of Shri Hanuman. It features Mahavir Hanuman, Rama, the statue of iskcon temple with shower of animated flowers, leaves and diyas.
Hanuman is one of the many deities of the Hindu tradition. He is regarded as the monkey-general of a mythic monkey kingdom, known as Kiskindha. In Hindu tradition, Hanuman is most commonly known for his role in the Ramayana a Sanskrit epic featuring the characters of Rama, Sita, Hanuman, and Laksmana, character of the Ramayana epic; Laksmana is his brother who accompanies Rama during his banishment from his kingdom. The story of the birth of Hanuman goes thus: Vrihaspati, the preceptor of the gods, had an attendant called Punjikasthala. She was cursed to assume the form of a female monkey - a curse that could only be nullified if she would give birth to an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Reborn as Anjana, she performed intense austerities to please Shiva, who finally granted her the boon that would cure her of the curse.
When Agni, the god of fire gave Dasharath, the king of Ayodhya, a bowl of sacred sweet food to share among his wives so that they may have divine children, an eagle snatched a part of the pudding and dropped it where Anjana was meditating, and Pavana, the god of wind delivered the drop to her outstretched hands. After she took the divine dessert, she gave birth to Hanuman. Thus Lord Shiva incarnated as a monkey, and was born as Hanuman to Anjana, by the blessings of Pavana, who thus became Hanuman's godfather.
The Ramayana describes how Hanuman was devoted to Rama and willingly set off to Lanka to search for Sita. Rama is unable to go himself; he had been expelled from the city for his 14 year exile. Earlier in the Ramayana, Rama had said that everywhere, even among the animals, can be found good creatures that follow the ways of righteousness, that are brave and provide a sure place of refuge. This statement fits the description of Hanuman, for he is a loyal and virtuous being, and he is willing to endure the risk of crossing into Ravana’s land to save Sita. Hanuman does find Sita, but she refuses to return with him because of her loyalty to her husband. She is unwilling to touch another man, and believes that it is Rama’s duty (dharma) to save her himself.
The character of Hanuman teaches us of the unlimited power that lies unused within each one of us. Hanuman directed all his energies towards the worship of Lord Rama, and his undying devotion made him such that he became free from all physical fatigue. And Hanuman's only desire was to go on serving Rama.
Hanuman met Rama and his brother Lakshmana while Rama was in exile in the jungle, and searching for his wife Sita who was abducted by Ravana. Their quest brought them near Pampa Lake at the foot of Mount Risyamukha, where the monkey king Sugriva and his ministers were hiding. Sugriva, who was being persecuted by his brother Bali, suspected that Rama and Lakshmana might have been sent by Bali to slay him. To find out the facts, Hanuman approached them in the guise of a Brahmin.
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</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">这是至尊哈努曼一个美丽的高品质的动态壁纸。它具有玛哈哈努曼,拉马,华严寺与动画的花,叶和diyas淋浴的雕像。
哈努曼是印度传统的多神之一。他被认为是猴子一般神话中的猴子王国,被称为Kiskindha的。在印度教的传统,哈奴曼是最熟悉的,他在罗摩衍那角色的梵文史诗罗摩特色,西塔,哈努曼和Laksmana,罗摩衍那的史诗品格的人物; Laksmana是他的哥哥谁是他的流放,从他的王国中伴随着拉玛。因此哈努曼诞生的故事是:Vrihaspati,众神的导师,有一个叫Punjikasthala服务员。她被诅咒假设一只母猴子的形式 - 这只能是无效,如果她会生湿婆神的化身诅咒。重生为安佳娜,她进行激烈的苦行取悦湿婆,谁最终授予她会治愈诅咒她的恩赐。
哈努曼会见罗摩和他的弟弟拉克什曼而拉玛是流亡在丛林中,并寻找他的妻子悉谁被绑架滨景。他们的任务给他们带来了近潘帕湖在登上Risyamukha,其中Sugriva的孙悟空和他的部长们躲在脚下。 Sugriva的,谁是被人逼迫他的弟弟巴厘岛,怀疑罗摩和拉克什曼可能已被送往巴厘岛杀他。为了查清事实,哈努曼走近他们的婆罗门的幌子。
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